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The Lithuanian RFT sector - a summary - 2017

Lithuania in positioned in 10th place of the European road freight transport (RFT) sector for total international activity and in 2nd place for international activity between third-party countries. The Lithuanian RFT sector maintains its rank within the European RFT sector. The strategic geographic location of the country lets it maintain privileged relations both with the European Union and the Eastern Europe.

The competitive advantages of the sector, namely a low cost per hour of driving, €11.45/h all-in, a very low cost of fuel, €0.715/l in average, or even a high annual mileage per vehicle, have enabled it to differentiate itself internationally. Broadly, since the economic crisis of 2008, economic and social reforms have been passed in Lithuania with a constant search of flexibility. The last reform of the Labor Code, from 1st July 2017, should encourage investment and facilitate the creation of jobs.

This summary of the 2017 study gives some details on the Lithuanian RFT industry and offers some comparisons with its French counterpart.
