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Second biggest country of the European Union, France has 67 million inhabitants. The country joined the European Union in 1957 and the Eurozone in 1999. The French RFT sector is marked by a strong domestic activity, representing more than 90 % of its total activity. As a transit country, the French flag does not take sufficient advantage of its geographical position. International transport is gradually losing market share.

Find here all the studies and information concerning this flag.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Transport total (millions of 206,304 173,621 182,193 185,685 172,445 171,472 165,225 153,580 155,843 167,691 173,347
Domestic transport (millions of 181,879 156,021 164,325 168,242 156,449 155,712 151,112 141,242 144,205 155,876 161,941
International Transport (millions of 24,425 17,600 17,868 17,443 15,996 15,760 14,113 12,339 11,638 11,815 11,405
* in EU + Norway + Switzerland + Liechtenstein


Unit France (statistic)
Yearly mileage of vehicle km 113,510
Number of operating days days/yr 227
Semitrailer/tractor ratio 1.45
Driver cost €/yr 48,373
Driver/tractor ratio 1.05
Yearly cost of vehicle financing and possession €/yr 15,677
Average consumption per 100 km litres 31.40
  Unit fuel price, 2019 average* €/litre 1.0218
Fuel cost €/yr 36,419
Tyres €/yr 3,065
Maintenance-repair €/yr 9,035
Tolls €/an 10,001
Insurance (vehicle) €/yr 2,389
Axle tax and other vehicle taxes €/yr 516
Synthesis - cost price (except structural costs) 127,894
 Cost/mileage ratio per annum €/km 1.13
*after partial recovery of excise duties in France


Unit France (statistic)
Gross salary (miscellaneous bonuses and overtime included) subject to social contributions and to income tax €/yr 31,052
Travel allowances and other elements of remuneration not subject to social contributions nor to income tax €/yr 10,118
Employer contributions (after deduction of state aids)* % 23.2 %
Employer contributions in absolute terms €/yr 7,204
Annual cost total €/yr 48,373
Number of actual working days per year d/yr 217
Working time per year h/yr 1,598
Annual mileage km 108,105
Cost of one hour's work €/h 30.26
Cost per kilometre €/km 0.45
*after Fillon deductions en France


All taxes includes price, excise duty, VAT published on week of