The REST request is structured as follows:



  • (1) Static part
    • host_url : fixed part of the request relating to our website
    • cnr/api/indicator/json : fixed part of the service request
  • (2) Dynamic part
    • (3) id_indicateur :  indicator ID
    • (4) date_debut : start date of the period in aaaamm format
    • (5) date_fin : end date of the period in aaaamm format
    • (6) cle_api : API access key which will be provided upon request

Json Example

The request query the "INSEE services index" dataset with the following filters

  • Indicator ID: 83
  • Start date: 201301
  • End date: 201401
  • Api key (example): hbKm.......c6uE5fnv

and returns

{"data":{"name":"Indice INSEE des services","datas":[{"v":"97.05000","d":"01-2013"},{"v":"96.86000","d":"02-2013"},{"v":"97.17000","d":"03-2013"} ,{"v":"96.99000","d":"04-2013"},{"v":"97.34000","d":"05-2013"},{"v":"97.42000","d":"06-2013"},{"v":"97.66000","d":"07-2013"},{"v":"97.87000","d":"08-2013"}, {"v":"98.00000","d":"09-2013"},{"v":"98.06000","d":"10-2013"},{"v":"98.12000","d":"11-2013"}, {"v":"98.16000","d":"12-2013"},{"v":"98.22000","d":"01-2014"}]},"method":"GET"}

List of available indicators

5 - CNR Long haul semi-trailer truck index
6 - CNR Short haul semi-trailer truck index
7 - CNR Short haul rigids index
11 - CNR Long haul cereal dump truck index
15 - CNR Long haul semi-trailer truck index excluding diesel
16 - CNR Short haul semi-trailer truck index excluding diesel
17 - CNR Short haul rigids index excluding diesel
22 - CNR Long haul cereal dump truck index excluding diesel
24 - CNR 40t container carrier index excluding diesel (stopped series)
25 - CNR 40t liquid-food tank index excluding diesel (stopped series)
26 - CNR Commercial diesel index
27 - CNR Maintenance index
28 - CNR Infrastructures index
29 - CNR Semi-trailer truck equipment index
30 - CNR Short haul rigids equipment index
31 - CNR Long haul driver index
32 - CNR Short haul driver index
33 - CNR Long haul travel allowances index
34 - CNR Long haul travel allowances index
35 - CNR Removal hourly rate index
36 - CNR Autonomous Refrigerator Fuel index
39 - CNR Short haul rigids overheads index
40 - CNR diesel VAT free index
41 - CNR diesel tank price, monthly average
42 - CNR diesel tank price, end of month
43 - Diesel pump price, monthly average
44 - Diesel pump price, end of month
58 - CNR Long haul semi-trailer truck overheads index
59 - CNR Short haul semi-trailer truck overheads index
84 - CNR hourly rate driver road passenger transport index
85 - CNR NGV fuel index
89 - CNR long haul cool reefer truck index
90 - CNR long haul cool reefer truck index excluding diesel
91 - CNR long haul cool reefer truck index excluding diesel and refrigerator fuel
92 - CNR long haul frozen reefer truck index
93 - CNR long haul frozen reefer truck index excluding diesel
94 - CNR long haul frozen reefer truck index excluding diesel and refrigerator fuel
95 - CNR Maintenance NGV index
96 - CNR long haul semi-trailer truck NGV index
100 - CNR commercial diesel index RPT
101 - CNR maintenance index School RPT 
102 - CNR equipment index School RPT
103 - CNR driver index School RPT
104 - CNR overheads index School RPT
105 - CNR School RPT excluding diesel index
106 - CNR transport index School RPT
107 - CNR diesel index Guadeloupe RFT
108 - CNR diesel index Guyana RFT
109 - CNR diesel index Martinique RFT
111 - CNR diesel index Reunion Island RFT